Another simple solution, to a big mess. Organization makes me happy, especially when its cute! :) The numbers are the needles size with extra pockets for cable needles, stitch holders, stitch markers and a yarn needle.
I have wanted to try my own version of the button necklace for a while, this weekend was my perfect chance!
I made this sunglasses case, I am not worried about them getting crushed, just scratched. I really like the results!
Leah wanted to make a felt ipod case while she was here. We pulled out all my supplies, she asked for a little guidance, we made a plan and then I set her loose! Look at the results, sooo cute! I love her version, she wanted a pocket for her headphones, brilliant....I might have to copy this!!
We had so much fun, I will post more fun pictures soon!
Back from Florida, sore and physically exhausted from all the water sports. But, I had a really great weekend and got a little sun! New, larger post coming soon!
I am heading to FL tomorrow for my nephews 7th birthday, I am young and that makes me feel old. They are awesome little men though, and I am so blessed to have them in my life! My weekend will be spent helping them celebrate, via a cookout-boating party at Mom and Dads! I am really excited, Jet Skis, knee boarding and tubing here I come!
I recently stumbled upon and started listening to musician Priscilla Ahn. "Dream" is one of those songs you recognize, know you have heard 100 times, but have no idea where from. Try her, you'll like her!
My i pod tends to "float" around in my purse, between my "on the go" bag, computer/camera bag and player dock. I have a leather cover, but it is more hassle than its worth. I made this case last night to "protect" my ipod on all its adventures!! Its perfect!
Don't tell anyone....but, I am pretty sure Gap Outlet makes their shorts(3" inseam versions) just for me. They make all the other stuff as a cover for that fact. Yup, Yup....its our little secret!! :)
Just FYI- these shorts are never in regular GAP stores, and slightly different every year!
I have finally arranged my room the way I want it! It needs just a bit more organization and it will be perfect! If you can't tell, I really like color! The natural lighting in this room is spectacular!
Tonight I started(or re-started) my ETSY account! For now I just have two jewelry wraps but hope to add at least two more by the end of the week! If these sell, I will be branching out into more styles and colors!